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Implementing a simple binary tree in Haskell

Haskell is very intuitive when describing these data structures, so intuitive that it's difficult to adapt at once.

data BSTree a = Nil|Node{
    left::BSTree a,
    right::BSTree a
} deriving Show

insertData :: Ord a => a -> BSTree a -> BSTree a
insertData a Nil = Node a Nil Nil
insertData a (Node c l r) = if a >= c then Node c l (insertData a r) else Node c (insertData a l) r 

toTree :: Ord a => [a] -> BSTree a -> BSTree a
toTree [] _ = Nil
toTree arr tree = foldl (\tree a ->insertData a tree) tree arr

delNode :: Ord a => a -> BSTree a -> BSTree a
delNode a Nil = Nil
delNode a (Node c l r)
    | a < c = Node c (delNode a l) r
    | a > c = Node c l (delNode a r)
    | otherwise = combine l r
    where combine Nil t = t
          combine (Node c ll rr) x= Node c ll (combine rr x) 


-- .........................................................................
-- toTree [1,3,2,4356,22,56] Nil
-- .........................................................................
-- Node {content = 1, 
--     left = Nil, 
--     right = Node {content = 3, 
--                 left = Node {content = 2, 
--                             left = Nil, 
--                             right = Nil},
--                 right = Node {content = 4356, 
--                             left = Node {content = 22, 
--                                         left = Nil, 
--                                         right = Node {content = 56, 
--                                                     left = Nil, 
--                                                     right = Nil}}, 
--                             right = Nil}}}
-- .........................................................................
--                             1
--                                 3
--                               2  4356
--                                 22  
--                                   56
-- .........................................................................
--  after delNode
--                               1
--                                   3
--                                 2  22
--                                       56
-- .........................................................................
Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.