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Scheduled in SpringBoot


Sometimes it is necessary to use timing functions to implement certain features. For example, sending emails or notifications at a specific time.

In this case, the Scheduled annotation is needed.

Enabling Schedule in SpringBoot#

  • First, add the @EnableScheduling annotation to the startup class.

  • Create a component.

  • Write the schedule method and add the @Scheduled annotation.

For example:

public class TestSchedule {
    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestSchedule.class);

    @Scheduled(cron = "0 * * * * *")
    public void testCommon(){"common ";

    @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 1000)
    public void testFixDelay(){"delay ";

    @Scheduled(initialDelay = 1000,fixedDelay = 1000)
    public void testInitDelay(){"delay ";

    @Scheduled(fixedRate = 2000)
    public void testRateDelay(){"rate ";

Configuration of Annotations#

First type, scheduled tasks#

The first type is scheduled tasks, where the cron value in @Scheduled is added with an expression to indicate when the method should be executed.

cron-like expression#

The expression is generally in the format: * * * * * * *.

There are a total of 7 positions, and the last one can be left blank, which means it can be set with only 6 positions.

From left to right, the order is: seconds, minutes, hours, day of the month, month, day of the week, year.

Their values are respectively:

  • 0-59 seconds
  • 0-59 minutes
  • 0-23 hours
  • 1-31 day of the month
  • 1-12 month
  • 1-7 day of the week
  • 1970-2099 year


0 * * * * ? means triggering every time the seconds reach 0, i.e., every minute.

0 0 * * * ? means triggering every time the minutes reach 0, i.e., every hour. It can also be written as * 0 * * * *.

* * 3 * * ? means executing at 3 o'clock every day.

* * 3 15 * ? means executing at 3 o'clock on the 15th day of each month. The question mark represents uncertainty or flexibility because day of the week and day of the month conflict with each other.

* * 3 ? * 1 means executing at 3 o'clock every Monday. The corresponding day is represented by a question mark.

* * 3-5 * * ? means executing at 3, 4, and 5 o'clock every day. The - represents a range.

There is also the option to use 3,6,9 to represent a list of values, and 2/10 to represent starting from 2 and incrementing by 10.

Delayed tasks#

There are two types of delays: delay after start and delay after completion.


fixedDelay represents the delay after the previous execution before the next execution.


fixedRate represents starting the timer after the previous execution and executing after a certain time.

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