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Why do I use sticky notes

Why do I use sticky notes#

There are so many note-taking applications available now, whether they are built-in to the system (whether it's a phone or a computer) or dedicated sticky note applications.

Instead of using these applications, I use sticky notes for that little bit of ceremony. I don't really know how to explain this word, I've looked it up, and the most memorable definition is:

Add some salt to life

An ordinary action, after adding salt, becomes different (at least for myself, it feels different, this is quite subjective).

Although, the functionality is the same, the note-taking application is: write down what needs to be done -> achieve the purpose of reminders -> check it off. Sticky notes are: write down what needs to be done -> achieve the purpose of reminders -> peel it off.

Sticky notes can give me a stronger sense of ceremony. Maybe it's the act of writing or sticking a freshly torn off sticky note on the wall, which seems a bit more formal than typing on a keyboard or clicking confirm?

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